Monday, January 26, 2009
happy cny!!@12:42 AM
haha it's CNY!! yays!! just here to do a quick update!
haha, had a busy past two days, doing a lot of housework and eating a lot!! just been spending some time with my family :D
haha many many photos are uploaded to my picasa, just go and take a look! :D:D:D
Saturday, January 24, 2009
ord lo!@9:50 PM
haha ORD lo!
really really enjoyed yesterday, after i orded, because it was just so amazing.. had originally planned to go to church straight away after my army ends, but i got called for a job offer, so decided to pop by there first before going to church to prac and prep myself.. sat in for follow-up with gerald and shuyi, and worshipped God with our voices and my guitar.. the feeling was just so different from the day before lol.. the presence of God was just so thick and i believe God ministered to all three of us through the worship.. :)
went for sound cleanup after that, which was amazing too.. it was quite fun cleaning up all the stuff, and boy, is the place dirty LOL.. we still need to clean up the MPR, but yeah mostly done!
after that went to suntec to eat with shuyi, xuejun, balls and wei xiong haha.. it was fun just to hang out, to relax after a long day, and to talk.. truly this is the way life should be man haha..
i'm prepared for the next season in my life.. even though it's mostly empty for now, but i know what's going to come is going to be important, is going to be exciting, is going to exalt God's name in the highest way.. for we are all called to do certain things in specific seasons in our lives, and i know that God has placed me where i am now to propel me forward in this season to do His work for His glory.. :D
and to end off, this is the ORD present i received from shuyi and cavin:

thanks! :D
Thursday, January 15, 2009
snortz.@4:26 PM
i've been quite a pig.. just went downstairs to the canteen to sleep on the not-very-comfy-but-better-than-nothing chairs for like 2 hours plus? haha.. life of an to-be-ORD personnel..
had a great CG yesterday.. even though the word has been more or less preached about before, it was great being able to listen to it again haha.. God spoke, and i'm going to work on His word :D
after that we had a cam session haha.. we were intending to just take photos for the photo database, but in the end we spent like one and a half hours taking pictures and laughing.. >.<
God has put me in such a position for such a time.. there's been growth, but at the same time there's more room to grow.. i've learnt some stuff, but there's still so much more stuff to learn.. the future is great! haha (:
*notices laze in post and decides to stop*
Monday, January 12, 2009
another off day@8:43 AM
haha not working today
again cos i've a dental appointment later, so took the whole day off.. going mind cafe later, but seemingly not a lot of people leh! :( now only got like me, gerald, dengyao.. then kelly, calvin might join us later when they finish work! sian! haha, must get them to come and talk man!! haha..
the last weekend was great.. went for zone f service, and though the message was meant for the 13- to 16-year-olds, somehow i felt that it was for me too, that i'm still a babe in Christ, and there're so much more that i have not done.. haha.. main service was awesome.. the word really spoke to me, and i'm sure just as God spoke the word love in my heart, He's going to speak and reveal more as we go through the series :D
sound was ARGH.. lol.. need to be more on the ball man.. haha.. >.< oh and there's a new batch of soundmen being trained up again! which means that this is the third batch of soundmen! (notice i used soundMEN haha!) it's so exciting, especially now with BMT, cos last time, it could be that your leaders just put you into this ministry, but now, you get to choose which ministries you prefer, and which ministry you go to is a choice! seeing the 14-, 15-year-olds choosing to come to sound ministry, and knowing what's in store for them, i can't help but feel excited man.. :D
truly, as Garrett preached last time, this is only the beginnings.. as we keep growing, as we continue to strike the ground, we'll not only grow strong, but we will grow big, and as we do life together, it's gonna be so amazing. :P
Friday, January 9, 2009
stirring up..@8:49 PM
what do you do when you can't find a certain software, or method to do something which you feel should be there, but somehow it's just not there?
there can be a few options:
1. run from it.
case 1 never resolved.2. find it with greater zeal.
e.g.i wanted to use another place to upload all my photos and everything, and i know quite a lot of my CG people are using picasa, and since i already have a google account, it seemed like the logical choice. but one thing i can't stand about the web interface is that i cannot mass upload pictures. hence i searched and searched, and found:
case 2 solved.3. start to develop it yourself
e.g.i've been trying to find a Bible application for my e71 for the longest of time. it's quite irritating cos i believe there're some such applications available for free for the iphone (which was one reason i wanted it in the first place heh), but there are just NONE for the e71. as a result, i went to the library today and got:

of course, i haven't been doing programming for quite some time, but hey, there's always a chance i can do it right? if i manage to do it, i'll distribute one copy to everyone in church LOL
case 3 pending.
similarly, what do you do when you meet with troubles in your life? it might seem easy to run away, to escape. but when you sit down and think about it, there might be many other ways to solve or work around it. some methods might be quick and easy, while others take longer and are more complicated. but never run away, cos that means you'll never find out how far and high you can go. (:
anyways! update about this week! haha it's been super exciting even though i fell sick and everything lol..
travelled down to serangoon on monday to sit in follow-up with shuyi and gerald and meet calvin and dingjie! haha, it was super funny, we took like dunno how many pictures at one of the serangoon parks, and the funniest thing was that there was a couple there! lol! we just ignored them and did our jump shots and everything, it was hilarious.. all the pictures are with calvin, whom i am still waiting to send me ALL the pictures >.<
went to meet gerald's and dingjie's friend kelly at her workplace on tuesday! haha we had lunch together, while talking and just chatting.. after kelly went back to work the three of us went down to raffles exchange to support wan chin! she's doing some NETS promotion thing, and there's a lucky draw lol! we called calvin out, and it was super funny la haha..
yesterday some of us went swimming at tampines swimming complex! i was still sick so i didn't swim, but shuyi, cavin, dengyao and gerald did, and i think they were quite cold..

after that we were on our way to the mrt station where we met jun guang! haha i mixed him up with jack =X
can't wait for the weekend man!!
Luke 10:2 Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. God has sent out His laborers, and the harvest shall truly be great and plentiful! amen!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
the post i promised..@9:30 PM
yes, i'm finally going to make good my promise to blog about what i promised to blog about in my previous post.. might be quite a long post, i dunno, i'll see where it leads me to. (:
as i was sitting there at the dining table in the wedding reception, listening in to the solemnization ceremony, witnessing the bonding of two people, hearing them say the matrimony vows, i can't help but wonder, why is the divorce rate so high? why is it that so many people take these vows so lightly, so flamboyantly that two years, five years, ten years down the road, they can just say i give up, i quit? is it really the issue of having choices? in the olden days, in the days of arranged marriages, no matter how bad the marriage is, the couple stays as a couple, through thick and thin.. why is it now that when things happen in a marriage now, one of the options that come into mind is - divorce? last time, people despised divorcees; now, they're just another group of people..
don't get me wrong, i'm not against these people per se.. people have never been wrong to me, especially in this sense.. i do understand that sometimes circumstances can strain a relationship, that sometimes people change and everything, but isn't this the case for the olden times too? why have we, as a society, begin to think of divorce as an option out?
then when Pastor Lia preached about the church ethos on sunday, parts of it became clearer to me.. these people are looking for love, yes, but they were too impatient to find out whether the one they are going to marry really is the one the will love till the end of their days..
impatient people do the right thing at the wrong time getting married is a right thing to do, but doing it three months, five months, one year into a relationship is not the right time.. it's just simply not enough time to get to know a person fully in this period of time, especially if you're talking about marriage..
but people nowadays have pressures from both themselves and the people around them to faster get married, or they just want to rush into a relationship when they're not ready.. in the end, when circumstances happen, they can't stand it anymore, and they just.. give up.
yet when these things happen, is giving up the right thing to do?
foolish people do the wrong thing at the wrong time divorce is never the right thing to do.. matrimony vows are sacred.. they are not meant to be broken.. rules are meant to set the boundary, to let people know what is the higher authority's view on certain issues, and man and woman are meant to remain man and woman.. let's not talk about Christianity, but is there any -
any religion in this world that says divorce is ok, if you're not happy with the person you're with, don't bother trying to rebuild the relationship, just divorce? none that i know of.
what irks me is that there are so many people who get married, turn out to not be happy with the one they're with, divorce, and continue in this cycle again.. remember, i'm not against the person per se, i just don't understand why they cannot bring themselves out for a moment, clear their minds and move on without having to go down that vicious cycle? >.<
enough of that already lol.
2009 has started out pretty well, despite a few stumbling blocks.. things have happened, both good and bad, and i'm glad to say that i've learnt from both the good things and the bad ones..
this year, my motto will be
love.. it's a season of love, and something i really want more this year.. Pastors said before that the ten commandments from God can be summarized into simple two:
love God, love people, and i think that in 2009, at least for this part of 2009, i need to love the people around me more, just shower them with random bouts of love, just to let them know that i cherish them, and that they are important to me.. and i already have a few ideas in mind already.. heh heh.. so don't be surprised if i surprise you with something suddenly! haha..
random quote i got from the net:
Faith makes all things possible.
Love makes them easy.
~ Unknownfaith will let me see the impossible, but love will let me touch it. (:
Monday, January 5, 2009
sick...@6:31 PM
desperately sick today, after my cousin's wedding on saturday and yesterday's fun(!).. have loads to blog about, about marriage and relationships and stuff, mostly muses which came to me as i sat in the corner watching my cousin and his wife going through the ceremony, about children, about lives, about destiny..
i really have no time to do it justice now, will plan what to say and all before doing a proper post on that..

really really love this story.. not sure whether i'd posted it before, but like Pastors said, whatever is good to see/hear/know, it's always worth it to see/hear/know it once more, twice more, many many times more..
certain things are meant to be
caught, not just knew.. only then will it come back to remind you of your past, of your growth, of your future, of your destiny..
Thursday, January 1, 2009
happy new year!!@3:30 PM
wow, 09 is finally here lol.. really really excited about this year, because of all that it is bringing, and all that it means.. God has also prepared me for 09, giving me a word of what He is preparing me to do this year, so i'm really quite excited!
made new specs today, and got a haircut.. my cousin's getting married this saturday, and i'll be doing sound for the yishun satellite children's church this sunday! life's exciting yo!